part 40 Palpatine

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Palpatine pov

Palpatine sat at his desk finger steeple together pondering the currents of the force. To say that he was a little bit upset would have been an understatement from the outside he looked as calm as could be but if one was to look at him through the eyes of the dark side of the Force 1 would see the storm the dark side flowing through him. His promising new Apprentice had returned back to that primitive World Between Worlds his mind was still completely unfocused. He looked forward to the day that he no longer had to hide from his promising new Apprentice he was looking forward to the day that he could reveal to him that he was a Sith Lord. The boy had already shown an extreme Talent with the dark side which would make him the perfect commanding presence that the new Empire would need. But there were a few things that were disconcerning namely the boy's small child a girl had been inducted into the Jedi Order as a Padawan and to put it kindly have been given an apprenticeship under Obi-Wan Kenobi. The light side of the force that came from that man disgusted Palpatine to no end according to the officer on the Star Destroyer when the two would Spar it would almost seem that they were at and in class as if they were equals. This could not do and there was another flow through the force different currents that could not be explained.

Palpatine- this cannot do

Palpatine push the button on his intercom the call Mas Amedda

Mas Amedda- my Lord what can I do for you?

Palpatine- hold all my calls and see to it that I am not Disturbed.

Mas Amedda- as you wish my lord

Using the dark side of the force Palpatine pools a black bourbon robe from a hidden compartment above his desk. And from one of the other compartments on the desk, Palpatine removes an encrypted communicator. He would contact his placeholder an elderly gentleman that was helping with the Wars his other Apprentice Darth Tyrannus. Tyrannus had some idea of the Otherworld but he didn't understand the significance of it or of Anakin but in the coming years of the war, he would come to understand. Quickly slipping into his black cloak Palpatine transformed from The Simple Kind face Supreme Chancellor of the Republic so The Darkside manifestation known as Sidious

 Quickly slipping into his black cloak Palpatine transformed from The Simple Kind face Supreme Chancellor of the Republic so The Darkside manifestation known as Sidious

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Sidious- Darth Tyrannus

Tyrannus- my lord I wasn't expecting a communication from you. Is something wrong my Lord?

Darth Sidious looked at the old man standing before him who did not bow before the Sith Master but in truth Edition, he should be kneeling but it was the trade-off with age but that wouldn't be a problem much longer.

Sidious- there has been a disturbance in the force

Tyrannus- I felt currants of unimaginable power but they're coming from a section of the Galaxy that contains one primary star but nothing really substantial but there were republic ships that were close by.

Sidious- within a matter of months a new planet will appear within our galaxy teeming with new and powerful allies.

Tyrannus- what do you wish of Me, my Master?

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