part 43 Island intruder

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Anakin pov

Anakin listen to The Hum of his lightsaber the blade moving in tandem though he couldn't see his enemy he could feel their presence. It has been two days since he went to the imperial capital there was not much to report. He had spent the past several days going through the motions of his training the girls as well as the Mercenaries were growing restless and he could feel it. The currents of the force were converging he could feel it the end to his long journey was growing nearer it would all culminate at the path of peace. The Jedi Council had specifically ordered him to speed up his operation and to Aid in the destruction of the empire which was a rather interesting change of events. Anakin had believed that the Jedi would oppose his idea of destroying the empire at first. It went slightly against their peacekeeping methods to say the least but perhaps Obi-Wan Kenobi and his report to the council had done more to convince them. As Anakin breathed in the Droids that surrounded him moved coming out with blasters and bladed weapons the first two droids he deflected the energy bolts back at their original targets with the bladed weapon droids he moved upwards and downwards in a zigzag motion disarming them and then decapitating them. The exchange was over in a matter of seconds. Lifting the blast shield from his eyes so that he could see he looked at his handy work this has been simple he wanted to fight Flesh and Blood beings. As he pondered this Fal came into the room

Fal- Master we have a problem.

Anakin- what kind of problem?

Fal- someone's been scoping around the island and he's not one of ours.

Fal produces a Halo vid of a man cloaked in tattered clothes.

Fal- what should we do we went out here to be far enough away from the Empire so that we wouldn't be spied upon

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Fal- what should we do we went out here to be far enough away from the Empire so that we wouldn't be spied upon.

Anakin thought for a long moment before answering.

Anakin- let him do what he wants if he comes close to the base shoot to kill.

Fal smiled in a very dark kind of way.

Fal- yes master

Fal quickly leaves the training area. Anakin reaches out with the force to feel who the stranger was what he was rewarded with was intense savagery and an insane lust for Domination. If the man did come to the base then he was going to be super dead which made no difference but something about the way he looked seemed very familiar he just couldn't put his finger on it.

Syura pov

The island was absolutely desolate there was no sign of life here the danger Beast that had been created by the good doctor have all been destroyed. What an absolute disappointment oh well father did say to at least have a backup plan. Maybe I could get the Jaegers to play with some more of my toys before the one comes to our world to play. They're strong but not nearly as strong as the fighters that I have found.

Syura- guess I should be heading back to the capital.

Syura leaves a marker on a specific spot on the beach he can quote it would be easy to trap somebody here at least for a little while. As he is about to leave he becomes aware of lights on the far side of the island moving quickly he moved to the forested area of the island and carefully and slowly makes his way towards the lights. Moving cautiously he looks down at the scene in front of him. What he saw was a group of seven individuals all wearing very interesting clothing. What was more interesting was that some of them had strange weapons as well he recognized that there were three women down there the one with silver hair caught his eye.

Syura's internal thoughts- how interesting have some from the other side already come to our planet father didn't mention that his ally would send someone.

Unbeknownst to Syura he was being watched by a probe Droid. The Droid was tracking his movements seeing if he would pose a threat Fal and Tomoyo watched the live feed on a datapad.

Tomoyo- Anakin isn't going to like this I think that man is the Minister's son.

As Tomoyo monitor the situation Luna came up behind the two

Luna- Tomoyo are you busy you said you'd help me with sniper training.

Tomoyo looked at the girl before an idea came into her mind.

Tomoyo- yes come with me Luna

The two of them went up towards of one of the hill close to their base camp Luna assembled her small but powerful sniper rifle Tomoyo instructs the girl to go to a laying down position.

Tomoyo- alright your target is 30 degrees west but you're not going to shoot to kill you're going to shoot to warn.

Luna- yes master

Tomoyo- what is the number one rule and being a sniper?

Luna thinks to herself for a few seconds before answering.

Luna- one shot one life?

Tomoyo- yes and what's the second rule.

Luna- if a Target appears to hostile Retreat to get a better position?

Tomoyo- correct the Mandalorian trainers have taught you well. Do you see the target through your scope?

Luna look through the scope of a sniper's rifle at the man who was very well camouflaged however it wasn't good enough to hide on infra-red.

Luna- yes Master

Tomoyo- you're not shooting to kill your shooting to get him to leave remember that.

Luna breathe in and targets the ground directly 3in away from his face the shot would be extremely close but it would not be lethal he would get the idea that he had to leave immediately.

Tomoyo- have you acquired the target.

Luna- yes master

Tomoyo- take the shot

Luna pulls the trigger The Familiar sound of a blaster bolt leaving the barrel always made her heart skip a beat.

Syura only had mere seconds to react he heard the shot and moved back as quickly as he could.

Syura- shit they found me.

As Syura runs back the bass alarm goes off they knew that somebody was here. Thinking quickly Syura grabs his Teigu off his belt and teleports back to one of the buildings in the imperial capital.

Syura- fuck those bastards were really trying to kill me.

Syura thought to himself that if he brought his Advanced Squad to the island and commandeered the soldier's equipment it would be an extra boost to the Empire. But there was something else there was a tremendous power that was there could it be that Sidious was already in the world or was this someone different?

Syura- hhhmmm father will be most interested to hear about this and perhaps I can get some assistance?

Syura begins to make his way towards the Imperial Palace there would be much to discuss in the coming days. Anakin watched as the man ran away irradiated malevolent intent but there was something else he felt as if he was being pulled in several different directions.

Anakin- I wonder what Akame would think of this situation?

Tomoyo- she would probably worried about you the same way everybody seems to worry about you.

Anakin turned around so fast to look at the woman. He still found it hard to look at her after what had happened on his home planet.

Anakin- I should probably get some sleep before we leave in the morning the islands probably been compromised.

Tomoyo looked up at him

Tomoyo- I can feel your inner conflict Anakin you're going to have to come to grips with your own past in order to move on with your future.

Tomoyo turned around and began to walk away until Anakin said something to her that made her stop.

Anakin- I know that you can feel my feelings but just to let you know I can feel yours as well.

Tomoyo turned around to look at the man and both of them for a long time stared into each other's eyes not knowing what to say or how to confront what they were feeling. Tomoyo understood that this was dangerous and could lead to problems later on but at the same time she wanted to be real with yourself.

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