part 23 trouble in the market

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Leone pov

I ran across the rooftops of the imperial capital trying to locate my target. Akame and Lubbock we're keeping track of a shipment of rice that was being sent to a village that was in need. While Tatsumi and Bulat boarded a cruise ship to keep their eyes on a politician. I was tracking Esdeath as I was running I felt as if somebody was keeping track of me. As I ran across the rooftops I saw my target Esdeath the most powerful soldier in the Empire she was far from the Imperial Palace there was no guards around her she walked with purpose. But I was aware that there was a man dressed in dark brown robes that followed close behind her he wasn't so much tracking her so much as he was following her. The hood of his robe was raised to cover his head and throw his face into Shadows. They eventually stopped at a shop the shop owner immediately walked out to greet the two. The store owner looked terrified. As if seeing the man's fear Esdeath talks to him.

Esdeath- you can relax I'm just making a few Community calls. From now on I'm in charge of policing the capitol

Store owner- Y- yes that is most heartening Esdeath.

The store owner reaches into his pocket the pull-out coins.

Store owner- this is just

Esdeath looks at the man with a somewhat sympathetic face. Before she takes two coins from the man's hands and pushes them into his eyes.

Esdeath- I don't need a bribe the next time you do that I'll make it hurt more.


Esdeath- now shall I try some of your famous Confections this shop is famous for it is it not?

The store owner quickly gets off the ground and runs back into his store.

store owner- Y- yes right away and what about your friend.

Esdeath turns to look at the man that had been walking with her since she left the palace.

Esdeath- would you like something?

The hooded man shakes his head before the store owner disappears back inside the shop. Esdeath, as well as the stranger, were both aware that they were being watched from the rooftops. The fact that there were no guards or troops around either one of them was a ploy to get Assassin's to come out. The hooded stranger not caring much for the situation decided that it was better for him to leave he had other things to do. Esdeath watched as the man walked away before the store owner came out with an ice cream cone.

Leone's internal thoughts- Esdeath is by herself away from the palace away from the guards this is the perfect chance to attack is what I would normally think but. I know I should attack now that I'm in Beast form. But her moving by herself out in public seems so much like a trap. And her Aura is oozing with murderous intent and Pure Evil. Thinking I could kill her on my own just because she's alone was naive. It's frustrating but I'll follow my guts and Retreat for now I'll find the other guy that was with her.

Leone quickly runs away to look for the stranger that had been with Esdeath

Esdeath- HM? That presents disappeared so they didn't take the bait pity. I wanted to try out new torture techniques. I wonder if that assassin is going to go after him?

Leone follows the other Target he wasn't too hard to find she deduced that he was going towards one of the many parks situated throughout the  Imperial capital. Leone deactivated her Teigu and continues the follow the hooded man on foot. Unlike Esdeath this guy wasn't producing an aura of what was inside or anything it just felt Hollow as if the person, in general, was not even in the world in general. Eventually, the figure went to a flower shop and purchased a flower and continue to walk down the street until he reached a very public place to Leone shock she knew this place had been the park that Sheele had been killed in. The hooded man pulled down his hood revealing his face. Slowly Leone walks over to him.

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