part 45 investigation

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Anakin pov

I sat in meditation feeling the currents of the force my lightsaber suspended in front of me. This would become a practice for me the disassembled of my lightsaber and recombined it back together it was relaxing and since there was nothing more I could do but wait and wait I would for once the call came in it was go time. A host of Jedi would come to this world in order to help in the liberation. Even though I personally didn't see the point I wasn't from this world these weren't my people but the Jedi persisted that helping this planet would be a great way to gain a new ally for the Republic. The last key was the only thing I was after now the key unfortunately was in the hands of somebody who worked in the path of peace A sanctimonious religious cult. While in meditation I was yanked from his thoughts a presence in the force called out to him. Something or someone was on the island who wasn't supposed to be there. I got up from my meditation Tomoyo I had just come back from doing something in the capital.

Anakin- Tomoyo

Tomoyo- yes

Anakin- there are Intruders on the Island.

Tomoyo- I know I can feel it

Anakin- I have a good idea who they might be

Tomoyo- we can sound the alarm and get everybody ready to go.

Anakin- no do it as covertly as possible I want things to be handled discreetly I'll be the last one to leave you and everybody else clear out quickly.

Tomoyo looked at him with a somewhat questionable look before she nodded her head.

Tomoyo- As You Wish

Anakin walks out of the camp and begins his long track up the mountain. The force was unbelievably strong in this location and every once in awhile he could connect to the other side.

Anakin- I'm coming

Tatsumi pov

Me and Esdeath watched the scene below as there was a small Cadre of soldiers and strange machines. They were all loading themselves up they were about to leave to wherever it is they were leaving to.

Esdeath- I wonder if the minister knows what's going on.

Tatsumi- what does the minister have to do with this?

Esdeath- I'm not a hundred percent sure but the minister has been contacted from the other side a new Galaxy he obtained a new Ally. Someone who will change the course of history he always did say that there were others

Tatsumi's inner thoughts- others does she mean that other Jedi contacted the minister or is this something completely different?

Tatsumi- the secret partner of the minister what is he like? I mean is he a trustworthy individual

Esdeath- The Minister is a smart man he knows the Empire is not going to last forever so he's trying to secure a new position.

Tatsumi- that's crazy how could he trust somebody he doesn't really know?

Esdeath- I have my suspicions

As we talked we became aware of a man dressed dark robes walking up the side of the hill heading towards the peak of the mountain. As the man walked a danger Beast try to jump at him before being cut down by a very familiar blue blade.

Esdeath- so he is interesting.

Tatsumi- what do we do?

Esdeath- we follow him of course.

And just like that, we followed A/Y up the mountain with every step we took I felt strange as if something about the island was bearing down on us. It was strange to see Miss Esdeath being so cautious I guess without her powers she realizes that she's outmatched. As we got towards the top we heard a sound as if the energy that was radiating outwards.

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