3AM (Bakugou from MHA)

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(this one is also from My Hero Academia)

(Y/N) was layin in bed. They were tired, but couldn't sleep. They grabbed their phone and checked the time. It was close to three in the morning.

They sigh.

Then they got up and left their room. They go into the elevator and go down to ground floor. They walk out and over to the fridge. They open it and grab a bottle of coffee.

"What are you doing dumbass?"

They turn to see Bakugou.


"People are always like 'so are you a mornin person or a night person', but I'm barely even a person."

"No, you're just a dumbass."

(Y/N) opens their coffee and takes a drink.

"Go back to your room and go to bed."

They shake their head no. Bakugou sighs.

He then takes their coffee away. They pout.

"You'll get it back, when you go to your room."

They pout more.


He point to the elevator.

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