Wilbur x Reader

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(Y/N) had a very rough nigh. They didn't sleep at all. They checked their pone. It was about two in the afternoon.

They sigh. They leave their room and went downstairs. Wilbur was sittin on the couch. He looks at them and smiles.

"Hey (Y/-"

"Think twice before you talk to me this early in the mornin."

"It's two in the afternoon."


Wilburs eyes widen abit.

"Are you ok?"

"I said think twice."

Wilbur chuckles.

"You didn't sleep well, did you?"

"No sleep."

"That makes sense."

(Y/N) sat down on the other end of the couch.

"So think twice."

"Whatever you say."

(Y/N) shot him a glare. Wilbur only smiled.

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