Philza x teen reader (Memory Return) pt 2

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(Few days later)

(Y/N)s memory still hasn't returned yet. Phil has been tryin.

Currently (Y/N) was asleep. Phil was awake, thinkin. He was thinkin of ideas to get their memory back.

"How?" he mutters.

He places his face in his hands. He then hears footsteps. He looks up to see (Y/N).

"I thought you were asleep?"

"I....I had a nightmare."

Phil gives a small smile. He holds out his arms, gesturin for them to come over. (Y/N) walks over to him. He pulls out a chair and they sit down.

"What was it about?"

They shake their head no. He places a hand on their head. They look up at him. He still has a smile.

"Do you want a drink?" he asks.


Phil stands up and starts to make cocoa. They watch him.

He soon finishes and walks back to the table. He sits the cups down.

They take one cup.

"Is it my fault?"

He looks at them in shock.


"You're sad. Is it my fault?"

"No, it's not your fault."

"I feel like it is."

Phil goes over to them and hugs them.

"It's not your fault."

"Are you sure."

"Of course I'm sure."


"None of this is your fault. Trust me."


(Time Skip)

Phil and (Y/N) were walkin out in the forest. (Y/N) walks over to a river.

"Please, becareful (Y/N)."

They look at him.


"You could get hurt."

"I could?"



They look back at the river. They sat down next to the river.

Phil looks away for a moment and (Y/N) falls in with a yelp. Phil quickly turns around. The river takes (Y/N) away. (Y/N) couldn't swim.


Phil flies after them.

They then hit their head on a rock. They fall unconscious.

"No, not again."

He dives down and quickly grabs them. He flies back up and to his place.

He soon got to his place. He lays (Y/N) on the couch.

"God, I hope you're ok." he mumbles.

(Time Skip)

(Y/N) woke up. They sit up.


They look over to see Phil.

"Hey Phil."

"How do you feel?"

He walks over to them.

"I don't know, but my head hurts."

"You hit your head."

"I did?"



Phil smiles.

'At least they're better.'

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