Shadow the Hedgehog x abused mobian reader

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( Request from @Sksksquirrel (F/A) means favorite animal)

(Y/N) was a (F/A). She only has one friend and that is Shadow the Hedgehog. She keeps one secret from him. She is abused by everyone.

When she's not out with Shadow, she's in her home. She lives alone and in constant fear. The fear is that one day she won't be safe in her home.

Then there was a knock at her door. She slowly opens the door. There stood Shadow.


"Hey Shadow."

She let him in.

"Why do I never see you out of your house?"

She froze.


He looks at her. She didn't know what to say. She looks down at the floor.


She slowly looks up at him.

"What's wrong?" he asks.

"Nothin." she says.

"Don't lie to me (Y/N)."

"I'm fine, really."

"I know you, so I know that something is wrong." he says. "So, what's wrong?"

"Everyone else hates me." she says. "T-they a-a-abuse m-me."

Shadow then starts to leave. (Y/N) grabs his arm. He looks at her.

"P-please n-no."

He sighs.

"Why would you let them do that to you?"

"I'm not as strong as you." she says.

"You could have told me sooner."

"I'm sorry."

"Just tell me next time, ok?"


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