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"Come on Doc, just for one day?" (Y/N) asks.

"No, we are enemies."

"Just one day?"

(Y/N) was tryin to convince Dr. Wily to have all of them to spend a Christmas with Dr. Light and his robot masters.


(Y/N) sighs.

They then leave the lab. They walk to the livin room.


They look up to see Quick Man.


"What's wrong?"

"I asked Doc if we could spend Christmas over at Dr. Lights-"

"Agreed, no."

"You asked." (Y/N) mumbled.



(Y/N) then goes to their room and closes the door.

(Time Skip)

(Y/N) woke up early and put some presents in a bag. Then they leave.

Soon they arrived at Dr. Lights. They knock on the door. Proto Man answers.



He let them in.

"You came alone?"

"Ye, Doc said no."

"I see."


Both go into the main part of the lab. Dr. Light looks over.

"Hello (Y/N)."


(Y/N) sat the bag of presents down next to the tree.

"I thought Albert would be with you." says Dr. Light.

"He had said no."

"I see."

(Y/N) gives a nod.

"Well, lets just enjoy this time."

"Yeah." says Rock.

"Lunch is almost ready." says Roll.

"Alright., thanks Roll." says Dr. Light.

Everyone sat down and talked.

(Time Skip)

"Lunch is ready." says Roll.

Then there was a knock at the door. Dr. Light goes over and answers. There stood Dr. Wily and the wily bots.


He looks over at (Y/N).

"I was told how sad you looked and decided to come."

(Y/N) smiles.

"Just in time Albert, lunch is ready."

Everyone goes into the kitchen. The bots had their e-tanks, while everyone else ate.

(Time Skip)

Everyone all finished and went out to sit on the couches. Roll passed out the gifts to everyone.

Everyone opened the presents and everyone loved all the stuff.

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