Ace Bunny X Reader

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It was getting dark in Acmeoplis. (Sorry, don't know how to spell it.) (Y/N) was heading home. Her parents were never around cause of business. (Y/N) was a loner, no friends. The people who want to be her friends only do it cause she's rich. So she always tells them no.

Then she heard a noise in an alleyway. So being curious, she checks it out.

She peeks into the alleyway. She sees four men. Four drunk men.

"~Hey there beautiful~" said on man with his words slurred.

(Y/N) backed away.

"~Come here~" said the same guy.

She continued to back up.

Then one guy grabbed her wrist.

"LET ME GO!" she yelled.

The four men laughed.

(Y/N) was kicking and screaming. One guy got tired of it and threw her against a wall. (Y/N) let out a loud and pained scream.

Loud enough for a certain bunny, who was out for a walk, to hear. He ran toward the scream.

He then saw the four drunk guys surrounding a girl.

"LEAVE HER ALONE!" he called.

The men looked at him. Their eyes widened, but then narrowed them. (Y/N) looked over. Then all of the men ran at him with drawn weapons. The bunny just glared.

(Time Skip)

The men were all out cold. (Y/N) hadn't moved. The bunny walked up to her. She scooted back. She didn't know him, but he had saved her. She didn't know what to do. She was so deep in her thoughts, that she didn't notice him bent down in front of her. Looking at her with a worried expression.

"You alright?" he asked.

She jumped and looked at him. Her eyes wide out of fear. She curled in a ball.

"Please don't hurt me." her voice quiet.

"I won't." he said in a gently.

She slowly uncurled and looked up at him. He had a gentle smile.

"Names Ace Bunny." he said. "What's yours?" he asked.

"(Y/N)." she said quietly.

He smiled as he stood up. He then held out a hand for her to take. She slowly took it. He helped her up.

She then let out a pained whimper.

"What did they do to you?" he asked.

"Through me against a wall." she said.

He turned around and bent down.

"Get on." he said.

She did.

"You can rest at out place." he said.

"Ok." she said quietly.

Ace carried her all the way to the tower.

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