Tubbo and Ranboo x homeless teen reader

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Ranboo was walkin around a forest. Tubbo was with Micheal at their house.

While Ranboo was walkin, he heard noises. He went to check it out.

He soon found where the noises were comin from. It was a kid. He guessed the kid was probably a teen.

He slowly walks up to them.

"H-hey are you ok?"

They freeze. They turn to face Ranboo. He noticed how beat up their clothes were, dirt spots on their face, and how scared they were. They scooted back some.

"You don't have to be scared, I'm not going to hurt you."

"W-who are y-you?"

He smiles.

"I'm Ranboo and you?"

"I-I'm (Y-y/N)."

Ranboo looks around. Then back at (Y/N).

"You're alone, aren't you?"

They give a small nod.

Ranboo frowns.

"You can come with me."

(Y/N) stares at him. He gives a smile.

"You won't be alone."

Their eyes widen abit.

"I-I don't want to be a p-problem."

Ranboo frowns.

"You won't be any problem."

Ranboo walks over to them and picks them up.

"Want to come with me?"


Ranboo smiles.

Both then go to his place.

(Time Skip)

Ranboo walks inside. Tubbo and Micheal were in the livin room.

"Hey Tubbo."

"Hey Ranboo. Welcome back."

"Thanks and I adopted someone."

(Y/N) looks at him. He smiles.

He walks into the livin room. Tubbo looks up at Ranboo. Tubbos eyes widened when he saw (Y/N).

Ranboo sat (Y/N) down. Tubbo picks them up, it was easy, (Y/N) was very light and small for their age.

"Lets get you cleaned up."

Tubbo then took (Y/N) upstairs. He cleaned their face up and he gave them new clothes. They went into a room and changed into a t-shirt and overalls. Then they walked back out.

Tubbo smiled.

"You look adorable."

(Y/N)s face flushed.

"Lets go down and show Ranboo and Micheal."


Tubbo took (Y/N)s hand and went downstairs.

"They're all cleaned up now."

Ranboo looks over at Tubbo and (Y/N). He smiles.

"Feeling better (Y/N)?" Ranboo asks.

(Y/N) gives a small nod.

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