Ranboo x reader

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Ranboo and (Y/N) were hangin out, that was until (Y/N) had gotten lost.

"Where am I?" mumbles (Y/N).

Everywhere they looked they only saw trees.

"RANBOO!" they call out.

No answer. They sigh.

"I hate gettin lost." they mumble.

(with Ranboo)

(Y/N) had went off somewhere. He couldn't find them.

"(Y/N)!" he calls out.

No answer. He sighs.

"Where could they be?" he mumbles.

Soon it started rain. Ranboo quickly went under a tree.


(with (Y/N))

(Y/N) stood out in the rain. They loved the rain.

'I should find Ranboo.'

They then wandered in a random direction.

(Time Skip)

It had started rainin harder. So hard that it was difficult to see and it was very loud.

'I hope Ranboo is ok.'

While continuin walkin, (Y/N) slipped on a mud puddle and fell. With the fall, they hurt their ankle.


They stood up. Pain shot up their leg. They winced.

They started walkin again.

'Phil's probably worried about us. Probably more for Ranboo.'


'I hope he can hear in this heavy rain.'

(with Ranboo)

He was still under a tree.

'I hope they're ok.'


The call was muffed but he could hear it. It sounded like (Y/N).

"(Y/N)!" he called out.


It was louder this time.


He heard runnin footsteps and soon (Y/N) stood infront of him. They had a smile. He smiled.

(with both)

"Hey." they say out of breath.

"Are you ok?" Ranboo asks.

"Hurt my ankle, but ye."

"You're going to get sick if you stay in the rain, come under the tree."

(Y/N) walks over and sits down next to him. Ranboo also sits down.

"When do you think the rain is goin to stop?"

"Don't know, but hopefully soon."

(Time Skip)

The rain soon stopped. (Y/N) and Ranboo got back to Phils place. (Y/N) got their ankle bandaged and they also had gotten sick from the rain.

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