Vinnie x Reader

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(this was requested by @Ezzygamer. Hope you like it)

(Y/N) was always a loner, only because other people didn't want to be around her. She didn't know why though. Was it because she is an orphan or? She had no answer.

She walked the streets of Chicago. It was close to midnight when she heard crashing. It sounded like a building. She ran towards the noise.

(Time Skip)

She got to the place. It was indeed a building that crashed. She also saw people on motorcycles going away from the scene.

'what happened here?' she questioned in her head.

Then she was grabbed from behind by Grease Pit.

"GAHH, WHAT THE...LET ME GO!" she struggled.

That go the attention of a certain white mouse. He instantly turned around and rammed Grease Pit and grabbed (Y/N). He then landed a few feet away.

"Are ya alright sweetheart?"

She looked up at him.


Vinnie smiles.

"Name's Vinnie, you?"

"(Y/N)" she answered.

"Pretty name." he smiled.


Throttle and Modo soon joined Vinnie.

"Do ya have a place to stay?" Vinnie asks.

She looked at the ground.

"I'll take that as a no." Vinnie says.

He then looks at his bros.

"Sure." Throttle answers the silent question.

Vin gave a smile. (Y/N) looks up at him with a confused look.

"Wanna stay with us?"

She gave a smile and nodded. That made Vinnie smile more.

"LET'S ROCK AND RIDE!" he yelled as he drove to the Last Chance Garage.

(sorry this took so long. I hope you guys like it)

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