Tommy x Reader

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Tommy and (Y/N) were bored bein inside. (Y/N) looks over and sees it rainin.



"Wanna go outside and jump in puddles?"

They look over at him. He smiles.

"Oh yeah."

They get up and run outside. They instantly started jumpin in the puddles.

(Time Skip)

They spent all day in the rain. They soon went inside and changed into dry clothes.

They then sat at the table with everyone else and ate dinner.


(Y/N) woke up with a big headache. They didn't feel good.


They look over to see Phil.

"Are you alright? You normally don't sleep this long."

"What time is it?"

Their voice was hoarse.

"It's four in the afternoon."


"Yeah mate?"

"I don't feel good."

He places a hand on their forehead. He then takes his hand away.

"You're burning up. Probably from the rain yesterday."


We heard Tommy yell from his room.

"I'll go get the medicine."

Phil leaves their room.

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