Bayverse Ratchet X Self Harm Abused Reader

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(Y/N)=Your Name

(E/C)=Eye Colour

(Y/N) was walking home from school. She hated going home, cause her parents abused her. Always called her a mistake. She just hated it.

'Why me?' She always thought. 'Why do they put me through hell?'

Soon she got home and quietly snuck upstairs. Then she ran to her bedroom and locked the door.

"(Y/N)!" yelled her mother.

(Y/N) slowly got up and went down stairs.

"Yes?" she asked quietly.

Her mother slapped her. Hard. It made a mark.

"Why do you have to be so worthless!" her mother yelled at her.

Tears came to (Y/N)'s eyes. She ran upstairs and locked her door again. She then jumped on her bed and buried her face under her pillow.

(Time Skip)

Soon (Y/N) throw the pillow and sat up. She then got out her pocket knife and made a deep cut up her arm. She had a straight face. She has been doing it so long that she was numb the pain she caused to herself.

She then stood up and got a jacket on and packed a bag. She packed a few shirts, jeans, and her phone. She then opened her window and jumped out. Then she fell onto one knee.

'Must have twisted my ankle with that jump.' She thought.

Then she ran and ran and ran. Soon she stopped. She turned around to see some guys. They were behind her. She looked around to see if there was a place to hide. A crossed the road was an ambulance. She ran over and opened the passenger door and got in. Then she closed the door and hid.

She peeked out of the window to see the guys run past. She sighed. The she tried to open the door, but it wouldn't open.

"What the hell?" she said out loud.

"Such language from a child." said a voice.

The passenger door opened and she got out. Then she heard metal rubbing on metal. She turned around and saw a giant robot.

"Shit." she said and started to run again.

She then felt like she was being picked up. She looked behind her. Her (E/C) eyes widened.

"I will not harm you human." said the robot. "I'm Ratchet."

"I'm (Y/N)." she said quietly.

Ratchet then walked into a big alleyway and sat down. Then it looked like he scanned (Y/N).

"Take off the jacket." he ordered.

She slowly took my jacket off.

"What happened?" he asked.

She looked down at the ground as he started to bandage her.

"I don't want to talk about it." was her answer

Soon Ratchet was done bandaging her. She grew tired and eventually fell asleep in Ratchets servo. (his hand).

"I will always protect you (Y/N). Ratchet said. "No one will harm you ever again."

This was my first time doing an x reader. How did I do?

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