Lupin the Third x teen thief reader pt 2

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Lupin had left (Y/N)s place. (Y/N) was happy to have a friend, whose like her. A thief. Lupin was actually her first and only friend.

'I wonder if our paths will cross again.' she said in her head.

(Lupins place)

Lupin walked in to see Jigen and Goemon.

"Hey guys " he says.

"Where were you?" Jigen asks.

"Hiding from Pops."

"Were at?" Goemon asks.

"That's a secret."

Jigen and Goemon looked at each other. Then back at Lupin.

( (Y/N)s place)

She layed down on her makeshift bed. Then she heard a noise. She got up and looked in the livin room. There stood a person who she thought she wouldn't see again. Her father.

Her eyes widened. She got a small backpack. She put all of her stolen items in it. She then went to leave, but she stepped on a squeaky part of the floor.

Her father looked over and saw her. She took off runnin. He ran after her. She took many twists and turns. Soon she ran into a dead end. She turned around only to see her father.

"What do you want?" she growled.

"To finish you off."

He walked closer. He took out his  gun. He shot her leg. She screamed in pain.

"Now you can't run away."

(With Lupin)

Lupin was out, stealin from a bank, with Jigen and Goemon. Then they heard a scream.

Lupin took off runnin towards the scream.

'I hope it's not her.' he said in his head.

Soon he saw a man and a girl. It was to dark to see who they were, but her could tell the girl was bleedin by how she was hunched over.

"HEY!" he yelled.

The two people looked at him.

"Who are you?" the man asks.

Soon Jigen and Goemon arrive. The man didn't notice them. Lupin glanced at them, then at the girl. They gave a nod, knowin exactly what he meant.

They snuck over to the girl. She remained silent. Goemon picks her up. Then they run.

"I asked who are you?"

"Meh, later."

Then Lupin ran.

He arrived at the car where Jigen, Goemon, and the girl was. She was lookin at the ground. Goemon and bandagin her up.

"You aren't hurt to badly, are you?" Lupin asks.

Goemon gets done then he moves next to Jigen. The girl looks up. Lupins eyes widen.


She gives a sheepish smile.


"How do you know her?" Jigen asks.

"She's the one who helped me get away from Pops."

"A kid?" Goemon asks.

"I'm 17."

Lupin chuckled. The he turned serious. He looked at her.

"Who was that guy?"

She looked down at the ground.
Lupin walked up to her. He bent down so he could see her face. He put a hand on her shoulder. She was cryin.

"(Y/N), it's alright, you're safe."

Then they heard serins. Lupin picked up (Y/N) and put her in the passenger seat. Jigen and Goemon got in the back seats. Lupin got in and sped off.

(Time Skip)

Soon they arrived at Lupins hideout. Jigen and Goemon carried the loot inside  Lupin carried (Y/N), since she had fallen asleep.

They got inside and Lupin layed her down on the couch.

"Explain." Jigen says.

"Tomorrow, when she's awake."

((Y/N)s Nightmare)

She was runnin from her father. He carried his gun.

"Get back here, you mistake." he said.

She continued runnin. Then she tripped and fell. Her fathers laugh rang out. Then a gun shot. Then pain. He shot her leg. Then the other.

She cried out in pain.

He then rolled her over on her back and aimed the gun to her head.


He then shot her.


She jolted up with a scream. She was breathin fast. She heard footsteps runnin down the stairs.


Lupin sat next to her. She cried.

(Time Skip)

She eventually calmed down.

"Now (Y/N), who was that man." Lupin asks.

She looked up at them.

"That guy was my father." she said.

"Why would a father harm his daughter?" Goemon asks.

"He and Mom always told me I was a mistake,then they abandoned me."

Lupin put a hand on her shoulder. She looks up at him.

"You can stay with us."

She smiles.

"Thank you."

(Sorry for not postin in a while. Hope you enjoy the story.)

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