BBC Sherlock x Abandoned Child Reader

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(Y/N) was only six years old and she wandering the street of London. She had been abandoned by her parents. Her clothes we're a size to small.

"Hello little girl."

She turned around to see a man.

"Who are you?" Asked (Y/N).

"I'm Jim Moriarty." Answer the man.

He reached out to grab (Y/N)s arm.

"LEAVE HER ALONE MORIARTY!" Yelled another man.

Both (Y/N) and Jim looked behind (Y/N). A man with messy curly hair stood.

"What do you want Sherlock?" Jim asked.

Sherlock walked towards them.

"Leave the kid alone." Sherlock said.

Moriarty narrowed his eyes and left. Sherlock bent down to (Y/N)s level.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

(Y/N) nodded.

"Are you all alone?" He asked.

(Y/N) nodded again.

Sherlock looked at her softly.

"Wheres your mum and dad?" He asked.

(Y/N) shrugged.

"How old are you?" He asked.

"Six." She answered.

Sherlock picked her up and carried her to his flat.

"You can live with me." He said.

She gave a nod. Then drifted off to sleep.

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