Lupin the Third X Teen Thief Reader

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(Y/N) was abandoned. She became a thief at a young age. She didn't know any better.

She was walking into a café. Someone then ran into her. The person knocked her down.

"Sorry. " it was a males voice.

She looked at him. He had slicked back black hair, a blue jacket, with a red tie, and white pants, with brown shoes.

"It's alright." she said.

He got up. Then held out his hand for her to take. She took it and he helped her up.

"Aren't you a bit young to be out by yourself?" he asked.

"No, I'm 17." she said.

"Anyway, I'm Lupin the Third, you?"

"I'm (Y/N)."

"Where are your parents (Y/N)?"

She looked down at the ground.

"Don't got any." she said plainly.

"Oh." he said.

"It's ok." she said.

"No, it's not." he said.

She looks at him.

"How about you-" he was interrupted.

"LUPIN!" someone yelled.

"Oh, hi pops." said Lupin.

Lupin then grabbed (Y/N)s arm and ran.

"Why are you running?" she asks.

"He's a cop." Lupin said.

'He must also be a thief.' she says in her head.

"I know where you can hide out at." she said.

She then took the lead. She took a lot of turns. Then she arrived at an old abandoned house.

"Where are we?" Lupin asks.

"My home." she simply answers.

"You live here?" he asks in surprise.

She rubbed the back of her head.


They then went inside.

"You should be safe here." she said.

He looked around. He then saw a few diamonds.

'These are the stolen diamonds, she's a young thief.' he said in his head.

"What are you looking at?" she asked.

"Diamonds." he answered simply.

Her eyes widened.

"Uh...." she trailed off.

"It's cool, thieves secret, right?" he asked with a wink.

She smiled a bit.

"I guess."

They both smiled.

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