Philza X (former) homeless teen reader pt 2

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It's been a few days since Philza let (Y/N) stay at his place. For the past few nights (Y/N) has been havin nightmares. They haven't told anyone. They were scared to tell anyone.

Currently (Y/N) was getting ready for bed. They were scared to fall asleep, but they knew they had to. Soon they fell asleep.

(Time Skip)

They jolted up with a scream. This was the worst nightmare they had.


They look at the doorway to see Philza rushin towards them. He sat on the edge of their bed.

"What's wrong?"


"(Y/N), please tell me."

He rubs their back.

"Just a-a nightmare."

"For how long?"

They looked down at the bed.


"For the past few nights."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

They didn't answer.

"You know you can always talk to me. You know that, right?"

They give a small nod.

"Lets go to the kitchen for a cup of coco."


Both leave the room and go down to the kitchen. (Y/N) sits down at the table. Philza starts to make the coco.

(Time Skip)

Philza sat two cups of coco on the table. He sat across from (Y/N).

"Do you want to talk about it?"


"You're not alone anymore."

(Y/N) takes a sip of coco.

"I know, I'm just not used to it."

"It takes a while."

(Y/N) gives a small nod. They take another sip of coco.


"Why what?"

(Y/N) looks up at him.

"Why take me in?"

Phil was taken a back.

"You didn't know me and yet you took me in."

"You were alone in a shack that looked like it was about to cave in at any point."

Phil takes a sip of his coco.

"It wouldn't have been right if I left you there."

(Y/N) stares at him. He smiles.

"Thanks, I guess."

He chuckles.

"You're not alone anymore either."


(Y/N) soon finishes their coco.

"Ready to go back to sleep."

"Ye. Night."

"Good night."

(Y/N) gets up and goes up to their room. They then fall asleep.

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