Think Twice (Denki form MHA)

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(My Hero Academia)

(Y/N) left their room. They haven't slept.

They went into the elevator and went to the ground floor. Then they went over and layed down on one of the couches. They were tired, but still couldn't sleep.

Then they heard the elevator beep. They glance over to see Kaminari.

"Hey (Y/-"

"Think twice before you speak to me this early."

"It's two in the afternoon."

"Think Twice."

Kaminari stares at them.

"Do you need anything?"

"Coffee." they mutter.

He smiles and goes into the kitchen.

'Is he gettin me coffee?'

He then returns and sits down acrossed from them. He sits their coffee bottle down on the table between them.

"There you go."

They glance up at him. He smiles.

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