Dream x Reader

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(Y/N) was hangin out with Dream. They didn't feel good, but didn't mind it.

"What's for today?" they ask.

"Not sure."


Both continued the walk.

(Time Skip)

Both were still walkin. (Y/N) had gotten slower. Dream glances back at them.

"You good?"


He stops and turns to them. They stop Infront of him.


"What's wrong?"


"Don't say nothing, there's something wrong. So tell me."

"I-I'm fine."

"You're not."

They look up at him.

"Tell me what's wrong."

(Y/N) then goes into a coughin fit. Dream rubs their back.

Soon they calm down.

"You're sick, aren't you?"

"I'm f-fine."

"You're clearly not."

They look at the ground.

"Why didn't you say anything?"

They remain silent.


"I'm fine."

"Again, you're not fine."

He sighs.

"Lets get you home."

X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now