11th Doctor x Abandoned Child Reader

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(Y/N) was 5 when she was kicked out of the house. Her parents always said she was a mistake.

She was currently walking around a park. She looked over at a pond. She saw a mom duck and her babies. She smiled. She then ran over to the pond. She sat on the edge. She tried to touch the ducks, but her arm was too short. She huffed.

'I wanna touch the ducks.' she whined in her head.

She tried multiple times. But failed. She pouted.

(Time Slip)

By now people were leaving the park. (Y/N) stayed by the duck pond. She had fallen asleep.


(Y/N) woke up. She looked around. She didn't see no people. All she saw was a blue box, but she didn't think anything about it. She then looked over at the pond. The ducks were there. She smiled.

"Ello duckies." she smiled.

She reached out to try to touch the ducks. She failed again.

She reached out further. She then screamed as she fell in the pond.

She was sinking toward the bottom. She tried to swim, but couldn't.

She then passed out.

(Doctor POV)

It was a nice day at the park, until I heard a childs scream. I looked toward the pond. The child wasn't there. My eyes widened. I ran towards the pond. I jumped in and grabbed the child. I swap back to the surface.

Then I brought the child into the TARDIS. She was still breathing.

(No POV)

(Y/N) slowly woke up. She looked around.

"I'm glad you're awake." said a man.

She looked toward the man.

"I'm the Doctor." he said. "What's your name?"

"(Y/N)." she said.

"How did you fall into the pond?"

"I wanted to touch the duckies."

The Doctor chuckled.

"Where are your parents?" he asked.

"At home." she answered.

"They let you come out here alone?"

"They said I no longer could come home." she said.

He looked at her.

Then a girl came in.

"Ah, Clara, you back." the Doctor said.

Clara nodded. Then she saw (Y/N). Clara looked at the Doctor.

"Abandoned by parents." he whispered into Claras ear.

Claras eyes widened. She went over and picked (Y/N) up.

"Doctor, we're keeping her."

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