Cole X Abused Self Harm Reader

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(Y/N) was currently at her parents place, in her room. She was cutting. Why? Well because her parents abuse her. Why doesn't she move out? Well she has nowhere else to go. Her friends are always out saving Ninjago. Her friends are the Ninja. The Ninja don't know about her abusive parents and her habit of cutting.

She was scared to tell them.

"(Y/N)!" her mother called.

(Y/N) pulled her sleeve down.

"YES!" she called.


(Y/N) sighed and left her room. Her parents always beat her.

She soon got downstairs.

Both her parents had knifes.

(Time Skip)

Once the beating was done. She went to the roof. She sat down and pulled out her pocket knife. She started cutting herself again.

(Next Day)

(Y/N) woke up on the roof.

'Huh, must have fallen asleep.' she said in her head.

Then her phone rang. She looked at it. It's from Cole. She answered.

"Hey." she said.

"Hey." he said. "wanna come over?" he asked.

"Sure, be there in ten." then the call ended.

She got to her room and changed into a long sleeve shirt and jeans. Then she opened her window and jumped out. Then she ran to the Monastery.

(Time Skip)

Soon she got there. Cole met her at the door.

"Hey." he said.

"What are we gonna do?" she asks.

"I want to talk to you." he said.


Then they went in. Then they went to Coles room.

"You've been distant." he said.

"Oh." she said.

She saw him look at her arms. She looked down. Blood was dripping. Coles eyes widened.

"What happened." he demanded.

She looked at the floor. He pulled her sleeves up. His eyes widened ever more.

"You cut yourself. Why?"

Tears were going down her cheeks.

"Parents, abuse." she answered

His eyes narrowed.

"Your staying here and not going back there." he said.

She gave a small nod.

(Time Skip)

(Y/N) soon had bandages on her arms. The Ninja made a room for her to stay in. And she never went back to her parents again.

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