Cuphead X Reader

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(This one is also from Bendy And Boris Quest For The Ink Machine)

(Y/N) was like a sister to Bendy and Boris. She was sixteen years old. She always helped Boris when Bendys inkness (it means ink illness). She wouldn't know what to do with out them. Their the only family she ever knew.

All three of them were out in the woods. Then two people with cups for head ran up to us. Bendy put Boris and (Y/N) behind him.

"What do you want?" Bendy asked.

"To kill ya." answered the one in red.

Bendy glared at him.

(Y/N) hugged Boris's arm. She was so scared.

The one in blue saw this. He turned to the one in red.

"Cup." he mumbled.

The one in red looked at him. The one in blue motioned his head toward a scared (Y/N). His eyes widened.

"I'll be back." said Cuphead.

Then both of them left.

Bendy was surprised. He then turned around to Boris and (Y/N). He saw how scared she was.

'Could her being scared made them leave?' he questioned in his head.

Boris was comforting (Y/N).

(Time Skip)

Bendy, Boris, and (Y/N) continued there walk. They got to a clearing.

"You two stay here, I'll go get some wood." said Bendy.

"Alright." said (Y/N).

"Be careful." said Boris.

"I will." said Bendy.

Bendy then went back into the forest.

Then the one in blue came over to them.

"I'm Mugman." he said with a smile.

"I'm Boris and this is (Y/N)." Boris said.

(Time Skip)

"Hear." came a voice.

All three of them looked over to see Cuphead with Bendy.

"BENDY!" cried (Y/N).

Cuphead tossed Bendy to Boris. (Y/N) went over to them.

She then looked at Cuphead.

"Thank you, for bringing him to us." she said.

Cuphead looked at her.

"His whining was getting annoying." he said.

"Thanks anyway." she said.

He looked away.

"Whatever." he mumbled.

Then Cuphead and Mugman left.

(Y/N) then went back to help with Bendy.

(Time Skip)

Bendy, Boris, and (Y/N) then went to a hotel to rest.

Bendy then went to get their clothes washed. (Y/N) had went with him to keep an eye on him, incase he has another attack.


Bendy and (Y/N) looked in the doorway. There stood Cuphead.

"Hi." said (Y/N).

"What do you want?" asked Bendy.

(Y/N) gave Bendy a small glare. Bendy rolled his eyes.

"How are you?" (Y/N) asked Cuphead.

"Good, and you?" he asked.

"I'm good." she answered with a smile.

'Dang, she's cute.' Cuphead said in his head.


Bendy looked at (Y/N).

"Go see what he needs." she said.

Bendy hesitated, but he soon left.

"You're cute." said Cuphead.

As soon as he said that, he kept his mouth shut. (Y/N) looked at him with a blush on her face.

"T-thanks." she said.

Cuphead walked toward her. He lent down to kiss her.

"STAY AWAY FROM HER!" Bendy yelled.

Cuphead and (Y/N) rolled their eyes.

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