Throttle x Human Reader

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(This takes place in the 2006 of Biker Mice From Mars, when the mice come back to earth)

(Y/N) sat at her house. It's been a few years since Throttle, Vinnie, and Modo left. She missed Throttle the most. Why you may ask? Throttle was (Y/N)s boyfriend. She's also mad at him. He never said he was leaving.

Anyway (Y/N) has been hiding something. Her father is Rinaldo Rump. She has never told anyone. Not even Charley. She is scared of what her or anyone for that matter would do.

At the moment (Y/N) was visiting Charley.

(Time Skip)

She got off her bike and went to the door. She knocked.

"Who's there?" a male voice asked.

'Throttle?' (Y/N) questioned in her head.

"T-Throttle?" she asked slowly.

The door slowly opened. Throttle poked his head out. His eyes widened.

"(Y-Y/N)." he said shocked.

She then glared at him.

"You left without telling me." she half yelled.

He took a few steps back out surprise.

"B-babe, I couldn't find ya."

She still glared at him.

"Babe, plea-"

"Don't call me that." she interrupted him.

(Y/N) turned around to leave, but Throttle grabbed her arm. He turned her around.

"None of us could find you when we planned to leave." he explained.

(Y/N) looked up at him.

"Let me go." she said quietly.

Throttle sighed and did so.

She then left.

(Time Skip)

(Y/N) had stopped her bike by a pond in a park. No one was in the park. She sat down.

"Well, if it isn't Rumps daughter." Cataclysm said.

(Y/N) stood up and turned around fast. Her eyes wide.

"H-how did you k-know that?"

"He told me." Cataclysm said. "Now you're coming with me."

He then knocked her out and picked her up and started heading to Rump tower.

But unknown to Cataclysm, Vinnie was watching them.

'(Y/N)s father is Rumps daughter.' he said surprised in his head. 'I gotta tell the others.'

And with that he got on his back and raced back to the Last Chance Garage.

(Time Skip)

He ran inside. Everyone looked at him.

"GUYS!" he yelled.

"What is it Vinnie?" Modo asks.

"(Y/N) is Rumps daughter and Cataclysm kidnapped her." he said in one breath.

But they heard what he said very clearly.

"What?" said a shocked Throttle.

Modo looked at him.

"What are we gonna do, Bro?"

"We got no choice, we gotta save her." Throttle said.

The guys got on their bikes and headed toward Rump tower.

At this time (Y/N) woke up. She looked around.

'Oh no.' she said in her head.

She knew exactly where she was and she didn't like it one bit.

"You have been a bad girl." Rumps voice echoed through her room.

"I DON'T CARE!" she yelled.

"Do NOT yell at me." he said sternly.

She huffed and crossed her arms.

"Again, I don't care. I ran away for a reason." she said.

Then there was crashing noises.

"And those mice are here for you, I had Cataclysm bring you here as bait to lure them here." Rump laughed.

(Y/N)s eyes widened.

"No," she said under her breath.

Then her door was busted down. She looked towards it. There was Throttle on his bike looking at her. She looked away from him.

"Come on." he said.

She then looked at him. He had a smile. She gave a small smile. She went over to him and got on behind him. Throttle handed her a helmet. She put it on. Then he crashed out of the window.

"Modo and Vinnie are waiting for us to get clear." Throttle explained.


Throttle landed next to Modo and Vinnie.

"For this." Vinnie said as he pressed a button on a remote.

They all looked at Rump tower. It crumbled down to the ground.

They all could hear Rump yelling. That put a smile on all their faces.

(Time Skip)

They had went back to the Last Chance. Modo and Vinnie went inside.

"Why come and save me when Vin told you Rump was my father?" (Y/N) asked.

"I just thought that you had left that place for a reason." Throttle explained.

She smiled and hugged him.

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