Oswald X Reader

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(this is also from Bendy And Boris The Quest For The Ink Machine)

(Y/N) was walking with her friends Bendy and Boris.

"Look!" Boris said excitedly.

Bendy and (Y/N) looked. They saw Mickey Mouses traveling Circus. Boris grabbed their hands and ran toward it. Bendy chuckled and (Y/N) giggled and Boris.

Bendy ended up paying for the tickets. Then they went to the front. Mickey was singing with cute little bunny kids.

(Time Skip)

Then they went backstage, since Boris wanted an autograph. Once Mickey saw them, he walked over. Boris couldn't form a sentence.

"He wants your autograph, dude." Bendy said and (Y/N) giggled.

Boris then got the autograph. Then they all sat down and talked.

"I'm Bendy," said Bendy. "This is my bro, Boris," he added. "And this is our friend (Y/N)." she gave a small wave.

Then a handsome rabbit walked in. It looked like he didn't get a lot of sleep. Then Bendy started coughing and throwing up ink.

"BENDY!" Boris and (Y/N) yelled.

Boris and Bendy were the only friends (Y/N) has ever had.

(Y/N) had tears going down her face. Boris went over and hugged Bendy.

Then (Y/N) looked at the rabbit. His eyes were wide, as if remembering something.

(Y/N) got up and went to him. She rubbed his back.

"(Y/N), take him away." said Micky.

She gave a nod and led the rabbit away. Then she sat him on a bed.

She was about to get up to go to Bendy, but the rabbit grabbed her wrist. She looked at him. He shook his head. He sat her on the bed. A lot of bunny kids ran in.

"PAPA!" they cried.

(Y/N) watched.

Then the rabbit got out a board and wrote on it.

'I'm Oswald.' it read.

"(Y/N)." she said.

They all heard rough coughing. (Y/N) burst into tears. The bunny kids tried to comfort her. She hugged most of them. Then Oswald hugged her.

(Time Skip)

(Y/N) soon stopped crying. Oswald still hugged her, like if he let go, she would disappear.

"Is she gonna be out new mom." whispered some of the kids.

(Y/N) giggled at that. Oswald chuckled.

"If that is what she wants." Oswald spoke.

All the kids looked at him.

"PAPA SPOKE!" they all cried and ran over and hugged him.

(Y/N) and Oswald laughed.

"Is it what you want?" some of the bunny kids asked her.

She looked at them and then looked at Oswald. He had a gentle smile. She looked at the kids who had puppy dog eyes.

"Yes." she said with a smile.

The kids jumped and cheered. Oswald chuckled. (Y/N) giggled.

Then Oswald hugged (Y/N) and she hugged back.

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