Vinnie x Reader

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(this is a request by @EzzyGamer )

(Hope ya enjoy)

(Y/N) was just comin home from her job in the military. She was one of the best. She was happy to see her cousin, Charlie.

They got back to the base to pack up. (Y/N) sat on her bed thinkin about what Charlies been up too. (Y/N) then stood up and began to pack up.

(Time Skip)

(Y/N) soon arrived in Chicago. Then she went to the Last Chance garage. She knocked on the door. Then she heard a lot of rustling. Then the door opens to reveal Charlie. (Y/N) smiles.

"Hey cous."

Charlies eyes widened as she smiled.


Charlie ran and hugged her. (Y/N) hugged back. Then they broke the hug.

"What was with all of that rustling?"



"Come on in."

They walked inside.

"Come on out guys, it's only my cousin."

Then three buff mice came out of their hiding spots.

"We didn't know you had a cousin Charlie ma'am." the gray one said.

"I didn't know when she was coming back."

"Or if."

Charlie glared at (Y/N)

"Don't you dare."

(Y/N) only shrugged.

"What do you mean by that sweetheart?" asks the white one.

"Well, I'm in the military."

The mice stared at her.

"Is that why you have a scar on your face babe?" asks the tan one.

"Yup." says (Y/N). "Names (Y/N), you guys?"

"I'm Throttle."

"Vinnie." he winks.

"I'm Modo."

"Nice to meet you guys."

"Nice to meet you too sweetheart." Vinnie winks.

(Y/N) smiles.

(Time Skip)

All of them were now eatin hotdogs for dinner. They also drank root beers. They were all havin a great time hangin out. It was gettin late out.

"Are you going to be staying her for the night (Y/N)?" Charlie asks.

"I might as well." she says as she smiles.

Charlie smiles.

"Sounds good to me."

(Time Skip)

(Y/N) sat outside. She couldn't fall asleep. She stared up at the sky.

"Hey there sweetheart."

She looked behind her to see Vinnie. She gave a small smile. He sat down next to her.

"You alright?" he asks.

"Yeah." she says. "Just not tired yet."

She wasn't thinkin and took her jacket off. Vinnie saw her mechanical arm. His eyes widened.

"Sweethart, what happened to your arm?" he asked loudly.

"I told ya I was in the military." she said.

"So you lost it?"


"Just like Modo."

She gave him a concerned look.

"We 're fighting a war." he said. "Us Martian mice against the Plutarkians."

She now gave him a worried look. He looked at her and smiled.

"No need to be worried about us, we got it."

She gave a small smile.

"I'll also help you guys out."

Vinnie smiled at her.

Soon she was gettin tired and layed her head on his shoulder. She fell asleep.

(Hope you guys enjoy!)

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