Tommy x Reader

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"I wanna blow something up."

"No Tommy."

"But why (Y/N)?"

"We have to go."

"But why?"

"What are you, five?"

"Pfff, more like five feet taller than you."

(Y/N) falls silent.

"I'm so sorry, please don't tell Phil or Techno."

(Y/N) then ran to the village.

"(Y/N)!" Tommy calls.

(Y/N) made it to the village. They ran right into Techno, Phil next to him. (Y/N) landed on their butt.

"You good (Y/N)?" Techno asks.

(Y/N) looks up at them.

"Tommys teasin me about bein short."


The three looked over at Tommy, who was out of breath.

"Tommy, were you teasing (Y/N)?"

Techno held out a hand to (Y/N). They took it and he pulled them up.

"Not really."

"I believe (Y/N)." Techno states.

"Why Tommy?" Phil asks.

"They called me five."

Phil sighs. Techno laughs.

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