Wilbur X Reader

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It was rainin. (Y/N) was out playin in it. Wilbur was watchin them.

"(Y/N), if you continue to stay out here, you'll get sick."

"I don't want to go in."

Wilbur sighs.

(Next Day)

(Y/N) woke up sick. They left their room. Wilbur was sittin on the couch. He looks up at them.

"You look terrible."

"Shut up."

"I told you so."


Wilbur laughs.

(Y/N) grabs a pillow off of a chair and threw it at him. Wilbur laughs more.

(Y/N) glares at him.

"Next time don't stay out in the rain."

"I will do what I want."

Wilbur roll his eyes.

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