Philza x teen reader

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(Y/N) was layin in bed. They didn't feel good.


They turn to face Phil, who was standin in the doorway.

"Are you alright?"

He walks towards them.

"I don't know,"

He places his hand on their forehead. He quickly takes his hand back.

"You're burning up."

"I am?"

"I'll go get the medicine."

He then leaves the room.

'Am I actually sick?'

Soon Phil came back. He brought the medicine and some food.

He sets the food down on the nightstand. He pours the medicine in a cup. He hold it out to (Y/N).


"You need to take it."



They stared at him.

"You'll get better if you take it."

"I don't like medicine."

"It's good for you."

(Y/N) frowns.

"Please take it."

(Y/N) sighs and takes the cup of medicine. They drink it. Phil smiles.

"That tasted awful."

Phil chuckles.

"It'll help you."

(Y/N) looks at Phil. He hands them the plate of food. They take it.

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