Tommy x Reader

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(Y/N) was currently putting the tiny plastic babies in the ice tray. They popped the ice out, put the babies in, and filled it back up with water. Then put it back in the freezer.

(Time Skip)

Soon Tommy and Phil had gotten back home. (Y/N) was on the couch.


"Hey (Y/N)." says Phil.

Tommy waved and went into the kitchen. He got a glass and filled it with water. Phil walks over and sits down on the couch.

Tommy opens the freezer and grabs the ice tray. Then he screams and drops the ice tray.

"Tommy, what's wrong?" asks Phil.

(Y/N) was strugglin to not laugh.


(Y/N) bursts out laughin.

"(Y/N)?" Phil asks.

"WHY (Y/N)?!"

"Ice ice baby."

"Oh my god."

Phil facepalms and shakes his head. Tommy glares at (Y/N). (Y/N) was dyin laughin.

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