Bucky O' Hare X Reader

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(Y/N) is a gray rabbit with a tuff of red fur, purple eyes, bright blue tank top, dark blue jean shorts, and purple and white knee high boots. She lives with the crew of the Righteous Indignation. The crew was Bucky, who was the captian, Jenny, was the pilot, Deadeye Duck, was the gunner, Brusier, was the muscle, Blinky, first class android, and Willy, human from another dimension and the engineer.

Bucky was a hare, Jenny was a cat, Deadeye was a four armed duck, and Brusier was a berserker baboon. And one thing they all had in common was, they still had their home planets.

(Y/N)s planet was destroyed by the toads. She missed her home planet, her old friends, her family.

She looked out into space. Then she saw Buckys reflection.

"What're you thinking about?" he asked.

She sighed.

"Life." she answered.

Bucky walked up to her.

"That's the same answer you always saw." he said.

"That's the only answer." she answered. "There is no other."

Bucky sighed.

He then sat down next to her.

"You know you can talk to us about how your feeling."

"I know."

(Time Skip)

(Y/N) had fallen asleep some time ago. Bucky looked down at her. Her head on his shoulder.

"I promise you (Y/N), the toads will pay for what they did to you planet, you can count on that." Bucky mumbled.

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