Philza x Teen Reader

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(Y/N) was planning to do a small crime. They were also plannin to ask Tommy if he wanted to join.

(Y/N) had everythin they needed and was about to leave.


They froze and turned around to face Philza.


"What are you doing?"



They gave an innocent smile.

"What's in the bag?"


He sighs.

"I'll go now."



"I know you have something planned and when you have something planned, you drag Tommy into it."

"Not all the time, sometimes it's Tommys plans."

He sighs again.

(Y/N) slowly backs to the door.

"I see you moving (Y/N)."

(Y/N) stops.

"What do you have planned?"

"I don't have anythin planned."

"You have a bag and you're sneaking out. So, what do have planned?"


"We're not getting anywhere."

"Can I leave?"

"I already said no."

(Y/N) pouts.

"(Y/N), don't pout."

(Y/N) pouts more.

"Please don't."

"Then let me leave."

"If I do, you'll get into trouble."

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