Throttle X Abandoned Experminted Reader

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(Y/N) was walking around Chicago. She was abandoned by her parents. Everyone she goes to abandons her.

'Is there something wrong with me?' She asked in her head.

She sighed.

'Must be.'

She soon sat down in an alleyway because it started raining. Then a man came up to her. He was chubby and he had a purple suit. She looked up at him.

"What do you want?" She asked quietly.

"Why you, my dear." He answered.

(Y/N) looked surprised.


"I need you."

She didn't like his answer. She didn't have enough time to react. She felt her body go numb. The last thing she heard was him laughing.

(Time Skip)

When she woke up, she was bulked on a medical birth type thing.

"Ah, I see your awake, my dear."

She looked over and saw the same man. He held up a mirror to her. Her eyes widened. She was part mouse. Her ears were a tanish colour. (Like the pic)

"W-what did you d-do to m-me?"

"I needed you for an experiment." He smirked.

Her body went numb again and she blacked out.

(Time Skip)

She woke up once again. She saw she was tied by chains over, what looked like lava or something.

"Glad to see you awake again, my dear."

"STOP CALLING ME THAT!" She screamed.

Tears were going down her cheeks.

The man was laughing. Then another man came in. This one was covered in grease.

"U-um b-boss."


"B-biker mice."

The man in the suit laughed.

"What so funny." The grease guy asked.

"This is perfect, they will come in here, and since I have this girl, the biker mice will be gone." The guy in the suit explained. Then the two left.

Then three guys on bikes came in. They all saw (Y/N).


As soon as she screamed that the guy in the suit came out along with the grease guy.

"Limburger, let her go."

"If you say so, Grease pit, pull the lever on the machine." The guy in the suit said.

Grease pit did so.

(Y/N) was being lowered. Her eyes widened. Then one of the guys got on his bike and drove toward her. He shot the chain. He made his bike jump into the air over the lava stuff and caught her. Then he got back on the ground.

"BROS ROCK AND RIDE!" He yelled.

The other two got on their bikes and rode out.

Once they got out the two left. The guy who had saved (Y/N) stopped in a park. He took off his helmet. (Y/N)s eyes widened. The guy chuckled.

They guy was a mouse.

"You alright?" He asked.

She gave a small nod.

"I can tell that your not." He said.

He then saw what Limburger had done to her.

"He experimented on you, didn't he?" As they got off his bike.

She gave another small nod. She sniffled alittle. She then fell to her knees.

"Names Throttle, you?"

"(Y/N)." She said quietly.

"How did Limburger get you anyways?"

"I was in an alleyway." She answered.


"I was abandoned by everyone." She cried more.

Throttle looked at her. He then picked her up. She squeaked out of surprise. He chuckled.

"You can stay with us."

Throttle then put her on his bike and drove away.

Comment if you know Biker mice from mars.

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