Tommy and Tubbo x reader

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Tommy, Tubbo, and (Y/N) were hangin out.

"What should we do?" asks Tubbo.

"Don't know. Any ideas (Y/N)?"

"Not really."

Then (Y/N) spotted a bunny, so they went after it.

(Time Skip)

(Y/N) had caught the bunny. They look around, they didn't see Tubbo or Tommy.


"TOMMY! TUBBO!" they call.

No answer.

They look down at the bunny.

"Well, lets go find them."

(With Tommy & Tubbo)

"Uh....Tommy, (Y/N)s gone."


"They're gone."

"Where'd they go?"

"How am I supposed to know."

Tommy sighs.

"(Y/N)!" Tubbo calls.

No answer.

"I'm sure they're fine."

"What if they're not?"


"We need to find them. They could get hurt."

"I think I know how to find them."


Tommy takes a deep breath.


"Oh no."

(With (Y/N))


(Y/N) ran towards the direction of the yell. They soon found Tommy and Tubbo.


"Now, hold on, Tubbo wanted to know where you were."

"Aww, cute bunny."

"Ye, I'm goin to see if Phil will let me keep him."

Tubbo smiles.

"Guys?" Tommy asks.

Both look at him.

"After I ask Phil if I can keep the bunny and he says yes, then I'll kill you."

"Please don't kill me and how do you know Phil will say that you can keep the bunny?"

"I will and I know he will."

Tommy sighs.

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