SBI & Tubbo x Reader

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"Ok people."

Tubbo, Tommy, Wilbur, and (Y/N) look over at Techno.

"What's up Techno?" asks Wilbur.

"What are good responses for being stabbed with a knife?"

"Rude." says Tubbo.

"That's fair." says Tommy.

"Not again." says Wilbur.

"Are you gonna want this back?" (Y/N) asks.


All look over to see Phil.

"Hi Phil."

"Hi (Y/N)."

Phil looks at Techno.

"Why that question?"

"It's just like your question about seven chairs and ten kids."

"No, not really."

"Are you sure?" Techno asks.

"I'm sure."

"Really?" (Y/N) asks.

"You're only asking that because the two of you chose violence as an answer."

"Violence is the answer." Techno says.

"Ye." (Y/N) agrees.

Phil sighs.

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