Oswald x Teen Human Reader

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( Request by @A-Pastel-Unicorn)

It was a pretty normal day in the cartoon world. Oswald was out with his kids. They were goin to a restaurant.

They were close, then Oswald just vanished. No trace anywhere. The kids looked everywhere in the spot. They couldn't find him so they ran to the restaurant to get help.

(Human World)

(Y/N) was walkin home from school. When they turned a corner and saw a cartoon rabbit. The cartoon rabbit also saw them.

"Where am I?" asks the cartoon rabbit.

'He talks!?'

"In (Town Name)."

"Where is that?"

"I don't know."

The cartoon rabbit looks down at the ground.

"Who are you?"

The cartoon rabbit looks at them.

"I'm Oswald."

(Y/N) gave a nod.

"I know we only met, but could I stay at your place?"

"I guess."

Both went to (Y/N)s place. (Y/N) was annoyed about it, but didn't show it.

(Time Skip)

Both soon made it to (Y/N)s place. Both went inside. Oswald looked around.

"Nice place."


"I didn't get you name."


(Y/N) sat their bag down. Then they looked over at Oswald.

"Where'd you come from?"

"The land of cartoons."

"How'd you get here?"

"I don't know."


He nods.

(Time Skip)



"Where are your parents?"

"Business trip."

"I see."


Soon it was time for bed. (Y/N) showed Oswald to the guest bedroom. They then went to their room. Then they went to bed.


(Y/N) woke up and went to the kitchen. Oswald was sittin at the table. Oswald looks over at them.

"Good Morning."


"I made toast for breakfast."

(Y/N) got a plate and put some toast on it. They sat down at the table.

(Few days later)

(Y/N) has gotten used to Oswald bein at their place. They were tryin to help him find a way home. They didn't know how, but they were tryin. Neither of them knew how.

Both tried a lot of stuff. It didn't work.

Both kept tryin.

(Time Skip)

(Y/N) and Oswald took a snack break. Both were very exhausted.

"We can try again a bit later." says Oswald.

"You sure?"



(Time Skip)

After the break both got back to work. Both worked hard.

Soon a portal opened up.

"Is....is that it?" (Y/N) asks lookin up at Oswald.

He looks down at them.


He walks through.

The portal closes behind him.

'I hope he's ok.'

(Cartoon world)

Oswald appears outside of the restaurant. Everyone ran out and surrounded him. They were all askin questions.

But all Oswald knew wat that he was home.

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