Technoblade x teen reader

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Tommy and (Y/N) were in a small argument. They forgot about what. But it's rare to see these two argue.

"Why are you so dumb?" asks Tommy.

(Y/N) stays silent. Tommy then realises what he said.

"(Y/N) I-"

(Y/N) then ran.

"(Y/N) WAIT!"

They only ran faster.

(Time Skip)

They soon got to Technoblades place. They ran inside, passed Techno, and into the room they were stayin in. They shut the door, sat down against the bed, and cried.

Then there was a knock on the bedroom door.

"(Y/N) what's wrong?"

They didn't answer.

"I'm coming in."

The door opens. Techno goes over to (Y/N). He sits next to them and places a hand on their shoulder.

"What's wrong?"

"D-do you think I-I'm dumb?"

They look up at Techno with tear filled eyes.

"Of course not." he says. "So this is what we're doing today. Who am I fighting? Who said that to you?"


Techno stands up and about to leave the room, but (Y/N) grabbed his hand. He glances over at them.

"D-don't hurt him."

"I just want to talk to him....with my sword."


"Fine, I won't hurt him....much."


"You're too caring."

He sighs.

"I won't hurt him."

(Y/N) lets go of his hand. He then leaves the house.

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