Throttle and Carbine x Human Child Reader

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Today was a day a child was born. The (L/N) (LAST NAME) family had a baby girl. They were so happy. But they didn't have a name for her.

(Four Years Later)

Bad things started happening to the once peaceful village. The animals were dying. People were getting ill.

"Bad things are happening." said the elder. "It happed after that child turned four."

The elder pointed toward the young (L/N) girl.

"Gather all metal and build a ship to send her away." said the elder.

(Time Skip)

Soon the ship was completed.

Two men were dragging the young (L/N) girl.

"MOMMY! DADDY!" she cried.

Her parents only stared. Not feeling anything.

The two men threw her into the ship.

They then sent into space.

(Time Skip)

Young (L/N) cried. She was so scared. She doesn't know how long its been.

She was hungry and thirsty.

"I-I wanna g-go h-home." she cried.

(Time Skip)

She was weak from starvation.

Soon the ship started a nose dive.

She screamed.

Then it crashed and she fell unconscious.

(Carbines POV)

Someone reported a ship crash. I went to investigate. I went threw the ruble. Then my eyes widened. There was a young human child. She looked in bad shape. I picked her up. She was still alive. I then bring her back to my place.

Throttle then met me half way to my place.

"Where'd you get the kid?" he asked.

"The ship crash." I answer.

(Time Skip)

We made it to my place. I layed her on my bed. I then went to get some food and water for when she woke up.

Throttle stayed by her side.

She looked like she was around three or four or maybe five.

(Time Skip)

"CARBINE, SHE WAKING UP!" I heard Throttle call.

I ran in.

Her eyes slowly opened. I smiled softly at her.

Once she saw us she hid under the sheets.

"Hey, it's ok, sweetie." I say.

She peeked her head out.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"Child." she answered.

"How about," I thought for a moment. "(Y/N), for a name." I then say.

"I like that." she said.

I smile.

I then pick (Y/N) up and hold her.

"We can be one happy family." Throttle says.

(Y/N) smiles.

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