Philza x teen reader

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(Y/N) was out wanderin around the forest.

"So bored." they pout.

They soon find themselves at a side of a cliff. They look up at it.

"That goes high."

They then smile to themselves.

"Imma climb it."

So they started to climb the cliff face.

They were about half way up, when they cut their arm on a sharp rock. They wince in pain.

"Maybe it's time to head back."

They slowly climbed down and went back to Philzas.

(Time Skip)

They soon arrived back at Philzas. They snuck inside. They had their hand over their cut.


(Y/N) froze.

"Are you alright?"


"You don't sound alright....and why are you holding your arm?"

"No reason."

"(Y/N) look at me."

(Y/N) slowly looks at him. His eyes widened some.

"Is that blood?"

(Y/N) doesn't answer.

"Is it blood (Y/N)?"


"That's not a question you're supposed to answer with another question."

Phil walks up to them.

"Let me see."

They slowly remove their hand off of their wound. Phils eyes widened.

"HOLY-why were you trying to hide this?"

"It's fine."

"This is not fine."

They look up at Phil. Phil went over to get the first aid kit, got out bandages, and cleaner. Then came back over to (Y/N). He cleaned and bandaged their arm.

"How did you get injured?"

"Cliff side."

Phil sighs.

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