PDH Laurance x Reader

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(A/N: sorry I haven't posted in a while and not writin a Thanksgiving special or a Christmas special.)

(Y/N) was new to Phoenix Drop High. She had just moved and it was her first day. She walked in and looked at her schedule. She walked while lookin at it. Then she bumped into someone. She looked up at the person. The person was Laurance.

"You alright miss?" he asks.

She gives a nod. He smiles.

"You new?"

Again she gives a nod.

If you're wondering, no she is not mute, she is simply shy when it comes to meetin new people.

"You don't talk much do you?"

She shook her head no. He chuckled.

"Well any way, my name's Laurance." he smiled.

"(Y/N)." she says quietly.

"So, you can talk."

She gives him a glare. He chuckled.

"You lost?"


"My I see your schedule?"

She hands it to him.

"I have all these classes too, so you can just stick with me."


They smile. Then the bell rings.

"Well time to head to class, let's go."

They both head to class.

(Time skip)

He met her outside her class room, since he gets done before everyone else and it was the last class of the day.

"Hey." he says.

"Hi." she smiles.

"Ready to head out of here?" he asks.

"Yeah." she gives a nod.

Then they walk away from the school.

"Did you just move here or homeschooled?" he asks.

"Just moved here." she answers.


"I guess."

He smiles at her.

"How many friends did you have at your old school, if you went to school?"

She didn't know how to respond to that.


"Just curious."

"Well....I actually didn't have any." she kept gettin quiet as she said the sentence.

He heard every word of what she said.

"What? Why?"

She looked down at the ground.

"Well now you have one."

She looks up at him. He smiles.

"Well if you want me as a friend."

She smiles.


"Alright, now we're friends."

(Again, sorry for not makin one in a while.)

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