Technoblade x teen reader

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(Y/N) was out walkin. They had a small crime planned. They just needed to figure out who to pull the crime on.

"Hey (Y/N)"

(Y/N) turns around and sees Technoblade.

"Hey Techno."

"What are you doing?"


"What's in the bag?"




"What do you have planned?"

"What makes you think I have somethin planned?"



"I know you have something planned."

"I don't."

"That's an obvious lie. So what are you planning?"


"If you don't tell me, I will go get Philza."

(Y/N)s eyes widened.


"Then tell me."

(Y/N) didn't say anythin.


"I have nothin planned."

"I'm going to go get Philza."

"No, Techno, please no."

"Then tell me."

(Y/N) says nothin.



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