Dream x Reader

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(Y/N) couldn't sleep. They picked up their phone and checked the time. It was three in the mornin.

They sigh and sit up.

'No point in tryin to sleep.'

They get up, put their shoes on, and leave their house. When they stepped outside, the early mornin breeze hit them in the face.

'A bit chilly.'

They went over to a pond and sat down.


They look over to see Dream.

"Hey Dream."

He walked over and sat down next to them.

"What are you doing up at this time?"

"People are always like 'so are you a mornin person or a night person' but I'm barely even a person."

"Are you alright?"

"Are we even real?"


"What if we're just someone elses imagination?"

"I think you should go to bed."


Dream sighs. (Y/N) gave a confused look.

"You really should go to bed."

"But why?"

"You need sleep."

"Why is sleep needed?"

Dream sighs again.

"Why are you like this (Y/N)?"

"Like what?"

"Never mind."

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