Felix the Cat X Part Cat Reader

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(This Felix is from Bendy And Boris The Quest For The Ink Machine)
(Sorry if it's bad)

(Y/N) was a human but she wasn't fully human. She had black cat ears and a black tail. Only because she was experimented on by her parents. She was scared of what people would think so she kept it a secret. The only two who knew what happened and how, were her friends, Bendy and Boris.

So people won't find out she always wore a hat. As for her tail, well she had it around her waist. (like the saiyans in DBZ)

She was currently going in a restaurant for lunch. She sat down at a table by herself. She looked at a menu.

"Hey, miss, is there anyone sitting here?" asked a male.

"No." she said, not looking up.

"Not very talkative, are ya?" he asked.

She finally looked at him.

"Not really." she said.

'IT'S FELIX THE CAT!' she screamed in her head. Her face showed a natural expression. She was good at hiding what she felt.

"Your Felix, right." she asked, even though she already knew.

"Yup!" Felix smiled at her.

"I love your books, and so does my friend." she explained.

"Cool." he said. "Whose your friend?"

"I only have two but their names are Bendy and Boris."

"Well now you have three, if you want me to be your friend." Felix said.

This surprised her.

"Alright." she said with a smile. "Oh, by the way, my name's (Y/N)."

"Nice name."


She then looked down at her menu. Felix did the same.

(Time Skip)

They then got their food and drink. While they were enjoying their food a man walked up to them.

"Hey baby~." he said to (Y/N).

She ignored him. Felix kept and eye on the guy.

The guy put his arm around (Y/N)s shoulders. She stiffened.

"Come on baby, dich this loser and come with me~."

The guy was trying to get the hat off of her.

(Y/N) then stood up and payed for her food. She then waved bye to Felix. He waved back, still eyeing the guy. (Y/N) then left.

They guy went up and ordered a drink. He finished it fast then payed, then left.

(Y/N) felt like she was being followed. Then she was grabbed from behind. A arm around her upper waist and a hand over her mouth. (Upper waist is above her tail) She struggled.

"Aw, baby, don't struggle~."

She then bit his hand. He then let go. But then pinned and tied her against a tree.

"Don't you ever do that again." the guy said sternly.


The guy had put a piece of cloth in her mouth.

Back at the restaurant, Felix had heard her. He ran out to find her.

He then saw the guy from before had her tied against a tree.

'I've got to do something.' he said in his head.

He then got out a rope from his bag of tricks. He snuck up the tree, that the guy had (Y/N) pinned to. He then tied the rope into a lasso. He lassoed the guy and tied him up. After that, Felix walked over to (Y/N). He took the cloth out of her mouth.

"You alright?" he asked concerned.

"Yeah." she answered.

Felix then untied her. She then fell to her knees. When she did that, her hat blew off. Felixs eyes widened. She looked at the ground. Felix got onto his knees in front of her. He put his pointer finger and thumb under her chin and made her look at him.

"How did this happen?" he asked.

She kept silent.

"(Y/N)!" two voices yelled.

Felix and (Y/N) looked toward the voices as Felix took his hand back. It was Bendy and Boris.

"We heard you screaming, are you alright?" Boris asked on the verge of crying as he hugged her. She hugged back.

Bendy then saw a guy tied up.

"Did that guy try to hurt you?" he asked with narrowed eyes.

(Y/N) gave a small nod.

Felix just watched them.

"How is he tied up?" Bendy mumble the question, but the three heard him.

"I saved her." Felix said.

Once Bendy saw him his eyes widened. Boris went to Felix, thanking him about a thousand times.

"Thank you." said Bendy.

(Time Skip)

They all went to a park. Bendy would ask Felix tons of questions. (Y/N) was sitting next to a pond. The tip of her tail touching the water. Felix came to sit by her. Only because Bendy and Boris fell asleep. Felix looked at her.

"How did that happen?" Felix asked.

(Y/N) sighed.

"I-I was experimented b-by my p-parents when I was young." she said on the verge of tears.

Felix looked at her concerned. Then he pulled her into a hug. Her eyes widened and she started to cry. Felix layed his head on top of her head and rubbed her back.

She then looked up at him.

"Sorry." she said.

"You have nothing to be sorry about." he said.

Then he kissed her on the forehead.

She froze. He chuckled.

(it took a lot out of me to make a random guy call Felix a loser. to be honest I actually fell for Felix. that's why it took a lot out of me.)

(Comment if you want a part two)

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