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It was Thanksgiving day. Slender had sent Hoody, Masky, and (Y/N) to the store to get a few things.

Hoody was drivin the cart. Masky had the list. (Y/N) followed behind them.

Masky was putting stuff in the cart.

"Ok, I think that's everything." says Masky.

"Lets go." says Hoody.

"Imma go over and get a drink."

"Becareful (Y/N)." says Masky.

"No promises."

(Y/N) ran off before Masky could say anythin else. (Y/N) ran into a coffee shop. They go to the counter.

"What can I get ya?" the male asks.

"Large iced mocha coffee."

"Alright, comin right up."

The male soon makes their coffee and hands it to them. They pay and head back towards Maksy and Hoody.


"Ready?" asks Hoody.


All three walked out and put the bags in the car. Then they all head back to the mansion.

(Time Skip)

They got back, got the bags, and went inside.

When they got in Masky and Hoody took the bags into the kitchen. (Y/N) walked over to BEN, who was sittin on the couch playin video games.

"Hey BEN."


(Y/N) sat down next to BEN.

Soon Masky and Hoody sat in front of the couch.

"Slender started cooking." says Hoody.

"Nice." says BEN.

(Time Skip)

Soon Slender finished cookin. He called everyone into the kitchen. Everyone sat down. Slender passed out the food.

"Now we can eat." says Slender.

They all started eatin.

(Time Skip)

It had ended in a food fight. Slender was disappointed.

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