Dream & Sapnap x reader

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(Y/N) walks into the kitchen. Sapnap was in there.


He looks at them.


"Can I have a knife?"




He pulls out a knife and hands it to them.


They run out of the kitchen and passed Dream, who was sittin on the couch.


They stop and look at him.


"What do you have?"

"A knife."


They run off.

(Dream POV)

He stood up and walked into the kitchen.


He turns to him.

"WHY! Why did you give (Y/N) a knife?"

"I'm sorry, they asked, so I assumed they felt unsafe."

"Now I feel unsafe."

"I'm sorry....would you like a knife?"

Dream sighs.

Dream walks out and went to find (Y/N). He found them sittin on the roof."


(With both)



"I CAN'T!"

Dream sighs.

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