J'onn J'ones x Abused Teenager Reader

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(Y/N) just got out of school. She tried leave before the bullies came. But she wasn't fast enough.
"Oh look its (Y/N)." Said the leader.
"Please leave me alone." Says (Y/N).
The leader scowled.
"Why should i?"
(Y/N) then ran.
"SEE YOU TOMORROW!" The leader yelled.
(Time Skip)
(Y/N) made it home.
"Finally home, I see." Said her mother.
"Yes." (Y/N) said quietly.
"Clean the whole house." Ordered her father.
(Y/N) looked at the ground.
(Time skip)
Soon she went up and say on the roof.
'Why is my life like this?' She questioned in her head.
"Like what?" A man asked.
(Y/N) jumped up.  She looked around.
"Up here."
She looked at the sky to see a green man. She backed up.
"You do not need to be afraid, I will not harm you."
"W-who are you?" She stuttered the question.
"I am J'onn J'ones." He answered.
She just stared at him.
"I-im (Y/N)."
J'onns eyes widened.
"You are hurt!"
(Y/N) looked at her feet.
"Who did this?" He asked as he landed next to her.
"Everyone." She said quietly.
J'onn then picked her up. Her eyes widened.
"It is alright, you are safe now."
She looked up at him. She smiled down at her. He then flew off into the sky. 
(Time skip)
He then landed next to a ship.  He went in.  He sat her down in one of the seats. He then flew the ship into space.
Her last thought leaving earth was,

I'm safe.

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