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Lyra (Vika Bronova) in the media
Lyra's POV:

A gentle sigh escaped me while I walked through the markets, watching people interact with each other and the exchange of goods and money.

Not like I had much money to buy so many things.

Living with me-maw isn't luxurious.

We aren't related in any way but she took me in when I was a baby.

She said my parents were killed and I was left to die in the woods.

I don't know what I'd do without her.

I'm sure you're wondering why I call her 'me-maw' well she said she tried to teach me to say mother so she said 'you, baby; me, mother' I couldn't pronounce it well thus bringing me-maw.  

Humans these days have lost their humanity.

We treat each other like trash and it isn't right.

Things are really hard on us.

Every week, a carriage or should I say cage on wheels comes into town and takes humans away to the castle.

I live in Redlake, the Vampire kingdom and the number of humans they come to take is getting out of hand.

They need our blood to survive which makes them the weaker species but they over power us so that makes them stronger.

Because things are hard here doesn't mean it isn't on the rest of the world.

From what I heard; the humans that live in Bloodlake or the land of Demons would trade places with us.

They undergo torture on a daily basis.

Even those who live in Blacklake or land of werewolves are used as food.

Things have always been like this with or without the great priestess.

Sometimes I feel like she gave us up to prevent another war from happening.

Why are things like this on us?

My species is under the food chain.

We feed on the little we can get and that's why I'm here.

Sometimes when food isn't enough, I steal.

Call me a thief if you want but survival is number one on my list.

I've been doing this since I was 8 and I've gotten pretty good at it.

Me-maw tells me to stop but we later end up eating whatever I bring.

After all, we need all the strength we can get.

My name is Lyra by the way.

I'm 19 with crystal blue eyes and brown hair.

I've lived most my life in fear.

Fear of the day I'll be taken.

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