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"move everyone! Coming through!" I pushed everyone out of my way as Darya led us into her cave.

Everyone and I mean everyone was there waiting for Lyra to be brought in.

"will she be ok?" Eri asked; worry and distress laced in her voice.

If I'm being honest, I was just as scared as she was but there was no way I was going to let it show or she would have a breakdown.

"I don't know; let Darya do her thing and save her" she led us through the cave to a spot that had water; like a pond and there were shelves with potions on the wall.

"I don't think I can do this alone; Eri, I need your help, Cyrus place her into the water" I did as I was told without any objection and watched her body sink to an extent.

The water was lukewarm to the touch.

"she isn't meant to take this much damage; her crystal was weakened"

Taking a few steps back, Eri took her place at the bank of the water while Darya was grabbing potions and books from the shelves without reading them.

"do everything you can to save her; she's our only hope" Nicolai begged and I couldn't agree more.

After setting everything she needed at the bank; Darya opened the book to a particular page and began pouring potions into the water.

With every vial she poured in, it made the water react differently, bringing new colors and textures into it.

At times the reaction would seem harmful or toxic to come in contact with flesh and I was hoping to see Lyra at least flinch in pain but she didn't.

"chant this" Darya frantically turned the pages and handed the book to Eri who read what was written and began chanting while she continued to turn the vials into the pond.

After a while she stopped and waited for a reaction.

The tension in the air was thicker than anything.

We were all desperate to see anything no matter how little or swift it would be; just a sign.

Then, something began to come out from her skin, it looked greenish and was really thick.

Darya used magic to remove the liquid from the inside and force it out.

No sooner than it came out, I saw her twitch.

"it's working" Eri almost wept with relief.

We waited a little while and her fingers began to jerk.

"she's stabilizing!" Darya kept on dunking more vials into the water and we all watched in silence.

Then she stopped suddenly.

The silence was deafening.

If I were human, heart would beat out of my chest.

Lyra jerked to sit up and began to cough, with everything she's been through, sudden movements would leave her dizzy.

Just as she was about to fall into the water again, I caught her and let her head fall to my chest, eyes shut.

Her body wasn't as cold as before but it wasn't good enough.

When her eyes jutted open this time they were black…like an endless void.

I stared into its emptiness and worried that I would never see her beautiful eyes again.

If she remains like this, then I don't know what I'd do.

Her hair was also darker than before.

She exhaled before blinking and everything went back to normal.

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