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My head hurt slightly as I tried sitting up.

Where was I?

What happened?

Memories of what happened began rushing back and I felt overwhelmed again.

I found it difficult to believe this all.

I always knew me-maw wasn't my real mother but now it just feels so real!

Did she know about this all?

Was there anything I could actually believe?

"get up slowly or you'll faint again" Imogen sat at the end of my bed with a small smile on her face.

"I still don't believe this is true-"

"look in your palm" she instructed and I found the crystal sitting in the middle of it.

So everything was true?

And I'm related to the priestess?

Even after I said I didn't believe in her but why?

"mother said you should meet her in the gardens as soon as you wake up…she wants to explain everything to you and your friends" Imogen said finally before walking out of the room.

I stared at the crystal for a while before reluctantly putting it on.

No sooner than I did, I felt stronger and much more powerful in more than one way.

It's not easy to explain but I knew I felt something.


I casually walked to the gardens and saw the queen sitting with Eri already.

Why wasn't Sam here?

"good afternoon your highness"

"how're you feeling?" Eri asked as soon as I sat.

"better" I placed a hand behind my head.

"can you take any more information?" the queen asked with concern written all over her face.

"I think I can. Now what's so important that you have to tell me?"

"everything involving your kind and your mother"

It wasn't something I was willing to hear but the odds weren't in my favor but when have they ever been?

"well…it all started when angels first came into this world and there was the war. A secret society known as the Phantom Ravens was made up of people from each of the kingdoms including humans. They saw past their differences and lived as one. With this ideology, they wanted to share it with the world to bring peace. Each specie: Vampire, Werewolf, Demon and Angel gave their own blood. Human blood was rejected because it was seen as weak. With the help of witches, it turned into a special potion and given to a Wizard"

It was kind of disgusting but also getting a bit interesting.

"he drank it and had a family and a  child…who was the first Khamatu. A combination of all the major species and the first of your kind. The cycle couldn't be broken because no matter who you marry, the blood of the others exists, but the blood of the parents would be more dominant. They stayed on the low for most time fearing what the world would say about them; until your mother, Elaka came out of the shadows"

Eri looked more interested than I ever did.

"she was our savior and stopped the war; maintaining peace. But some weren't happy about the existence of another specie thinking it would cause another war. Elaka was truly brave and kind and learnt magic, thus creating the crystal to hold a bit of her powers in it because of the fear of her going out of control"

Well that explains the sudden power boost.

"she created this world where people would never face discrimination or hatred. Where everyone would be one. She did her best to maintain peace alongside Miranda Monroe or your 'me-maw' and Eri's aunt"

I was so shocked.

How was me-maw or Miranda Monroe Eri's aunt?

Eri was totally normal or so I thought.

"the crystal you brought was passed down form the Monroe line and it rightfully belongs to Eri. Though she hasn't known about it, she's a witch and she'll learn magic here…you too Lyra. Anyway, after your mother made this world she settled down…and married a human making you a combination of 6 species! She was so proud of you until…she was killed by demons as well as Stella Monroe…Eri's mom! Miranda ran away to Redlake and changed her identity. It would have been difficult to Miranda to take care of two of you so she gave Eri to her 'family' and took care of you Lyra"


Utter Silence…

I felt like everything was falling apart and my whole life was a lie.

"I know this will be hard to take in but it's your destiny…you need some time to take this in" the queen said softly as I stood.

I really needed to sit in my room and process everything that just happened.

Eri's POV:

I was still sitting with the queen; wasn't quite ready to get up yet.

It was too shocking.

So Nadia wasn't of my blood?

After all these years of thinking that we were family.

"I know this is hard for you to take in right now but it has a bright side" the queen smiled and I looked up at her.

"w-what do you m-mean"

"the Monroe witches or 'the witches of snow' are very powerful. The most powerful set of witches that have ever live. You just have to get used to your magical powers and learn about it"

"I thought witches were bad" I said nervously

"like the two lands, there are light witches and dark. Fortunately, the witches of snow all come from the light side so you have good in you"

She gently placed her hand on my back as I stayed silent.

"y'know I've noticed you have a connection with my son" she smirked and my face turned bright red.

"n-no it's not like that your majesty I-"

"don't worry, it was destined to happen. My son had never fallen in love before; always jumping from one girl to another"

I frowned at that thought.

Rayhan and I were growing closer and I honestly enjoyed his company.

This has never happened before.

I have never held any emotional value for guy and I always saw them as a waste of time.

But Rayhan was different for reasons that were beyond me but now that I've heard of his past, I'm starting to get second thoughts.

What if he's just using me?

Like every other girl that he's been with.

Why am I getting jealous?

It's not like he cares about me…does he?

"but I believe your different. Why don't you use the royal bath to cool off? there are many and one close to where you kids' stay. You need to rest and think about everything" the queen said softly while getting up and leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Now this is where the main story starts and unfortunately, more action scenes for me.

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